Learn more about the Philly Pumptrack by checking out news articles about the track!
Cycling groups get help from Philly DA through anti-violence grants
5/23/22 | Tom MacDonald | whyy.org
5/23/22 | DA’s Office | phillyda.org
Philadelphia teenager Kevin Pritchett Greene honored for national BMX bike race wins
2/10/22 | Todd Haas | 6abc.com
5 hidden gems in Philly’s park and rec system
9/16/16 | George Matysik | philly.com
Heidi Grunwald, Philly Pumptrack
12/2/15 | SJ Punderson | myphillypark.org
Parkside: Philly Pumptrack Changing Philadelphia’s Youth Cycling Culture One Ride At A Time
7/17/14 | Julian Hamer | philadelphianeighborhoods.com
A pump track for the people of Philadelphia
5/23/14 | Sheena Adkins + Mike Frampton | peopleforbikes.org
Officials hope Philly bike track can steer youth away from gun violence
5/23/22 | Jeff Cole | fox29.com
Discover a fun, under-the-radar bike sport this weekend at Philly Pumptrack opening
5/14/21 | Ariella Cohen | whyy.org
One for the Community: The Philly Pumptrack
12/22/15 | Paul Dotsenko | northatlanticdirt.com
We took an Indego bike to the Philly Pumptrack: Here’s what happened
4/27/15 | Anna Orso | billypenn.com
East Bound And Down – Pumpadelphia
5/30/14 | Brice Shirbach | pinkbike.com
Philly pump track debuts with low-flying dirt-biking
5/9/14 | Elizabeth Fiedler | whyy.org